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Homeless Outreach Ministry 

God's Team provides services to meet some of the immediate needs of those in the Homeless Community. These needs include food, clothing, prayer, and access to follow-up services. Our services must be provided in a convenient and safe location that is easily accessible without vehicles.

One example of our effort to provide excellent quality is in the atmosphere we set at each event. Although, we're outside, we setup the food and clothing areas as if they were a cafeteria and a store. We greet each person with a smile, introduce ourselves, ask them their name, and take their food orders. Always giving them options on what they would like to eat (i.e. white or dark meat with choice of sides).

Clothing and shoes are separated by men's, women's, and children, and hung by hangers on portable racks. We provide assistance (like answering"how would I look in this?") to make it feel like a real "shopping experience."

Everyone is treated with respect and offered, but not forced to receive, prayer, a connection for church aftercare, and fellowship (sometimes laughter, singing, or just listening).

The customer feedback I love to quote is, "Lots of people help us, but you make us feel loved."

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